Christmas is fast approaching, isn't it? This year, Christmas feels nice to me. Last year's holidays had an odd feeling, tethered with confusion, lead with wariness; this year I feel at peace, contented, hopeful, cheerful, full of awe and thanks for everything around me.
I finished all my Christmas shopping earlier this week, all that's left is to wrap 2 presents and to send one out (it will be late, we've been experiencing postal strikes here as well). My exams finished in November so I've been free of study stress for a while now. I've been a lot happier and more balanced lately. Maybe it's the Holiday Spirit, I really like Christmas!
I've also been away from home a lot more, so I haven't blogged in a long time!

Favourite new clothing items:
 | I get compliments on this bag everywhere I go, lots of people have asked me where I got it, I almost feel bad for having to tell them I got it from Japan! |
 | These mules are really gorgeous! The rose on top is a clip (but I daren't remove it...). I love wearing heels but I try not to wear high ones like this around my boyfriend so that I can be the shortie. I wear these when I walk alone so I can feel strong, confident and feminine. I think they're my first pink shoes, too! I usually go for white. |
 | It's Summer here in Australia, but I was going ice skating and I didn't have cute gloves to wear so I picked these up (as well as some black ones) to dote at the rink. They're so soft and comfortable, I might go skating more this Summer so I can wear them! :P |
 | This is my new FAVOURITE dress, it's absolutely gorgeous and a surprisingly pleasing floral (very rare, I think! Japan has been good for floral in my experience...), it's got halter straps that are removable to make a tube dress. I feel so carefree when I wear this dress around ♥ |

I also have a new favourite model. Her name's momoeri. I received my 2010 momoeri calendar today - it's
gorgeous. Here's a peek:

March is my favourite in the whole calendar ♥!

But I STILL have much love for Tsubasa, of course.

I've been thinking about New Year's Resolutions this month. I think 2010 will be a good year for me, and I noticed some things I need to improve on during my gift-buying attempts - such as observation. It's hard to pick up on pressie hints if you're not paying attention! So next year I'm going to be more active in keeping a diary with me while I"m out and at home to write down anything and everything I think will be useful. But first thing's first, I need to pay more attention. :P!
I really feel like 2010 will be a good year. 2009 was a year of learning for me, a year of growing up and gaining control.
What's the year been like for you? And what hopes do you have for 2010?